For Professionals
匿名戒毒协会 (NA) 的非营利性奖学金起源于 1940 年代后期的戒酒匿名 (AA) 计划,旨在为从吸毒成瘾的恐惧中恢复过来开辟道路。麻醉品匿名组织于 1953 年 7 月在南加州举行了第一次会议。几年之内,北美团体已经在巴西、哥伦比亚、德国、印度、爱尔兰共和国、日本、新西兰和英国成立。
今天,北美在北美和南美、西欧、澳大利亚、中东、新西兰和东欧的大部分地区都已经建立起来。 Narcotics Anonymous 书籍和信息手册目前有XX 种语言版本。今天,在超过 XXX 个国家/地区有超过 XXXXX 周的会议。
Includes facts about the history of NA, organizational philosophy, and membership demographics.
Offers a welcoming introduction, and explains practices unfamiliar to those at their first meetings, and provides tips for groups to preserve an atmosphere of recovery.
This pamphlet provides information about local NA services that may be available such as public service announcements, phonelines, literature sales, and NA presentations for health fairs, schools and professional conferences.
Contains the results of the First APF membership Survey 2018-2019, conducted by the PR & FD WorkGroups.
In this pamphlet, we offer some suggestions and a basic plan of action to help recovering addicts in the transition from treatment, to continuing recovery in Narcotics Anonymous.
This relied-upon booklet was recently revised to reflect members’ experiences with challenges such as mental health issues, chronic illness and pain, and supporting members with illnesses. It includes section summaries in the table of contents.
This pamphlet was developed by young members of Narcotics Anonymous to illustrate the fact that young addicts around the world, speaking many different languages, are getting and staying clean in NA.
Our Twelve Traditions remind us that medication use is a member’s personal decision, and is an outside issue for NA groups. This piece is intended for groups as they consider this issue. It does not address members’ personal decisions, nor does it try to change members’ opinions about medication. Groups are often better able to carry the message and welcome everyone when members come together to discuss this issue.